Monday, October 15, 2007

Water Out of The Air

After watching the video, Getting Water Out of Thin Air, how do you think this machine can be used to help people in other countries with little water or unclean water?

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Nanotechs Wipe Up Pollution

An article from the July, 2007 issue of Business 2.0 states that using nanoparticles can clean up many of the harmful contaminants (pollution) in water. The nanoparticles will bond with the contaminants and not let go. It is able to suck up 60 percent of it's own weight in mercury, arsenic, lead, and other metals. One form of the nanoparticles can bond with arsenic, a strong poison, and then can be lifted out of the water with an ordinary magnet.


New links to websites that can provide some information on ways to get clean and drinkable water to people around the world. Some of these websites can be a little difficult to understand. I'll try to make it easier to understand in some of my bloggings coming up.

Friday, October 12, 2007

First Entry

This is my very first blog! A mile stone in my life of computing.

This particular blog will probally be here for only about six months with the focus on our quest, as a team of three classrooms, to find ways that fresh water can be delivered to the world.